The prioritization of trains at Indian railway stations follows a strategic hierarchy to ensure efficiency and punctuality. At the top are VVIP and emergency...
In the early hours of August 17, 2024, the Sabarmati Express, operating between Varanasi Junction and Ahmedabad, faced a derailment near Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Approximately...
In a heart-stopping incident near Chakradharpur, Jharkhand, the Howrah-CSMT Express (Train No. 12810) faced a close call when eighteen of its bogies derailed. The...
In a dramatic turn of events in Samastipur, Bihar, a major accident was narrowly avoided when several coaches of the Sampark Kranti Express detached...
In Kanker district, Chhattisgarh, a passenger train derailed near Camp Mulla after colliding with a giant banyan tree that had fallen onto the tracks...
On July 18, 2024, a devastating train accident occurred in Gonda district, Uttar Pradesh, involving the Chandigarh-Dibrugarh Express. Here are the key details:
Derailment Incident: