HomeBLOGSDoes Goods Trains Have a Tracking Number?

Does Goods Trains Have a Tracking Number?

Indian Railway helps to carrying goods from one place to another at affordable price so that everyone in the country can use the services offered.Indian Railways keep a track record of the Goods that are taken by the people from one place to another.Indian Railways in which Goods trains are great source of revenue for the country.

Indian Railways play a mojor role in the tranfering of the Goods from One part of the state to another part of the state within the country.Indian Railways help the people to get employed by working in the Goods trains which carries various types of Goods such as salt,cement,oil and iron rods etc.The prices of the Goods to be transferred are decided by the railway administration according to the quantity to be taken from one place to another.

Welcome to Railsuvidha :- the Hotspot of Indian Railways were we provide you the information about the news,facts and facilities about Indian Railways.Indian Railways provides the affordable services to carry goods from one place to another.

This Helped to Find an answer to Question that Does Goods trains also have a Tracking number on them so that any person can track the goods that are taken from one place to another.Here we are going to discuss on this topic as we know the Goods train does not have any number on it as printed on the passenger train and also name printed.

So is there any method can people track there goods that are carried on the train.The Answer to this is No every person in this cannot track the goods But the tracking number of the Goods is given to the person who has given the his products to be transferred so that he can track the Goods and the location to which the have reached and in which coach number they are placed so as a information he is provided with a number of the coach and tracking number.

The Tracking number is kept secret for the people so that secrecy of the goods or the product is maintained and it is only provided to the person who has send the Goods and the location of the Goods train is updated on the system called FOIS :- Freight Operations Information System on which the railway officials updated the information.This system only provides the information regarding the Goods train such as coach number tracking information etc.

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