HomeBLOGSNew Rule for cancelled train ticket Cancellation between 21 March to 15...

New Rule for cancelled train ticket Cancellation between 21 March to 15 April

Indian Railways making decesions to regulate the spread of Coronavirus among the people of the country.As the Goverment has made a lockdown everywhere the states so Indian Railway Ministry has also declared a state of lockdown for the railways from 21 March to fifteen April,this lockdown has been created for the passenger trains only to prevent the travel of humans from one place to a different for the breaking of the chain of the Coronavirus.

Coronavirus pandemic has spread everywhere around the globe creating a really bad situation everywhere.So as to prevent the spread of Coronavirus in India Government has taken many steps to manage it.This pandemic has lead to stop the services of Indian Railways within the country and increase thermal scanning for the persons who have travelling in the trains.In Order to refund the ticket cost for the cancelled trains the Indian Railways has made many rules so the people don’ttake in the que at railways stations and might maintain social distancing because the policies made by the Indian Government.

Indian Railways made a rule for the refund of both those who have booked tickets from online reservation system and computerized reservation counter.So for the those who have done online reservation of the ticket between this era can take a refund in their checking account.

And for the people have taken the ticket at the railway stations from the computerized ticket reservation counters can take refund of their ticket by depositing the ticket at the counter within 45 days of your time period.With this rule people can take their 100% refund of the number of the ticket thatthey need booked within this point period.

As we all know all the departments of the railways are closed and nobody is comming to the office due the Coronavirus pandemic spread within the country.Indian Railways have created a situation of relief for the those who have booked trains between this era.

Indian Railways have also mentioned a rule for those people within the situation were the railway authorities don’t cancel the trains and folks himselves dont want to travel can take a refund for his or her ticket by filing a TDR within the 30 days period of time from when the railroad ticket has been booked.

Rest all rules haven’t changed for the booking and cancellation of the railway tickets. Goverment has made many selections and decesions to stop and prevent the Coronavirus pandemic to be spread within the country.

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