HomeBLOGSAge of Wheels and Tracks in Indian Railways

Age of Wheels and Tracks in Indian Railways

Today in this post we will discuss about the wheels and tracks of the trains as they on each other and due to friction between them what are their age depending upon their usage in the Indian Railways.

As we all know trains full weight wheather its is of passenger trains or goods trains are on the wheels and on the tracks.That is why with regular operations of the trains on the tracks their age is reduced with time.

By this way the age of the wheels depends on many factors like the traffic on the tracks,speed of the trains,load on the tracks,curve of the tracks and gradient of the tracks etc.

Because as much as the traffic and speed of the tracks will be there that much effects of reduction will be there on the tracks.It also includes that more weight of the trains will lead to more age reduction of the tracks.And as more the curve and gradient of the tracks will lead to slipping of the wheels of trains and age of the tracks will be reduced.

By this way tracks age depends on the use of the trains on the tracks can be increased or decreased.Then also International Zinc Association has made a durability rate of the tracks which told that the age of the tracks is 12 to 15 years on which weight of 800 million tons can be used.

Now the weight of 800 million tons on the tracks goes in 12 to 15 years or from 30 to 40 years within this time the tracks will be perfect to be running for the trains and generally it is seen that with less usage on the tracks these can have age upto 50 years.

Whereas we talk about the wheels of the trains whose age can be taken out with the kilometres in which they are driven which 15 to 20 lakh kilometres.This means that after the running of the wheel  from 15 to 20 lakh kilometres they will be changed.
The age of the wheel is known or taken out by the taking the gap between the tracks and bogies of any wheel of the trains gap is 5 mm then it is denoted that wheel is scrubbed and its time to change the wheels of the train.

By this information you all must have know as what are the age of the wheels and tracks of the trains of Indian Railways.This gives us overview of the Indian Railways use of weight of the trains on the wheel which run on the tracks which effects the age of both the things that is tracks and wheels.The information provided in the post describe about the age of the wheels and tracks of the Indian Railways.

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