HomeBLOGSAnti-Collision Devices in Trains: How Do They Work?

Anti-Collision Devices in Trains: How Do They Work?

Anti-Collision Devices (ACDs) are like vigilant guardians for trains, designed to prevent high-speed collisions. Let’s delve into how they work:

  1. What Is an ACD?
    • An ACD is a self-acting microprocessor-based data communication device developed by Konkan Railway.
    • It’s installed on locomotives, guard vans, stations, and level-crossing gates (both manned and unmanned).
  2. How Does It Prevent Collisions?
    • The ACD uses a combination of radio frequency and the Global Positioning System (GPS) via satellites.
    • If the track ahead isn’t clear, the ACD automatically brings the train to a halt.

So to Conclude, ACDs are the silent heroes ensuring safer rail journeys.

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