Sandbox: Enhancing Traction in Indian Railways

Purpose: A sandbox is a container on locomotives that holds sand.It improves traction by dropping sand on the rails in front of the driving wheels. Functionality: Sand...

Meter Gauge: A Narrow Path in Indian Railways

Meter gauge refers to railway tracks with a distance of 1,000 mm (3 ft 3 3/8 in) between the rails. Historical Significance: Introduced to reduce construction costs. Current Status: Most...

Meaning of gear ratio of locomotive of Indian Railways

Let’s explore the concept of gear ratio in the context of locomotives within the Indian Railways. Gear Ratio: The gear ratio refers to the ratio of the number...

Chugging into the Past: The Railbus Legacy of Indian Railways

The Railbus, a pioneering innovation in Indian Railways, made its debut in 1974. The first Railbus, a self-propelled, passenger-carrying bus on rails, was introduced...

The Enduring Legacy of Dot Matrix Printers of Indian Railways

Why Indian Railways and other large organizations continue to rely on dot matrix printers, even in the age of advanced technology. Cost-Effectiveness: Dot matrix printers have simple mechanics, making...

How train change track in Indian Railways

Let’s know how trains change tracks in the Indian Railways. To facilitate track changes, a special mechanical arrangement called a railroad switch is used. This switch consists...

Indian Railway Sleepers: Supporting the Iron Horse

Let’s delve into the world of railway sleepers, those unassuming yet crucial components that support the rails and keep our trains on track. Here’s...

Suhaildev Superfast Express: Connecting Ghazipur City to Anand Vihar Terminal

The Suhaildev Superfast Express is a vital rail link between Ghazipur City and Anand Vihar Terminal in India. Named after the legendary king Suhaildev Rajbhar, this superfast train covers a distance of 815...

What is procedure for allocation of Locomotive for particular train in Indian Railways

The procedure for allocating locomotives to specific trains in Indian Railways involves several steps: Assessment of Requirement: Railways assess the demand for locomotives based on factors...

Why Trains Don’t Always Stop for Stalled Vehicles on Railway Tracks

When a vehicle gets stuck on railroad tracks, it’s a life-threatening situation. However, trains cannot always stop immediately due to several reasons: Inertia and Momentum:...
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