HomeFACTSCC of Locomotives in Indian Railways

CC of Locomotives in Indian Railways

Today we will discuss about the interesting fact that the Locomotives of the Indian Railways are of how much cc engine used.Many times while purchasing bike and car you all must have heard of CC of the engine used in it.Like in bike engine used are of 100cc , 150cc ,500cc etc and in car are of 1000cc ,3000cc generally.

Now you all must be thinking that when the bike and car using this much cc engine then the Locomotive is so much big in size so how much cc engine would be using for pulling so much weight of the train.

Before knowing the CC of the Locomotive you all must know that what is the meaning of CC of an engine.CC means Cubic centimetre that is centimetre cube.The main role of engine is played bt the piston inside it which is of cylindrical shape also known as the cylinder.

Engine CC is dependent on the size of the piston used inside the Locomotive which means that the size and volume of the piston is taken out by the help of the formula.The formula is used for taking out the volume of the cylinder is V = Ï€r2h by which the size of the piston is know to be used in the engine.

By this size of the cc of an engine is know and if the volume of an engine comes as 100 then the cc of an engine will be 100cc.Now lets discuss about the Locomotive engine cc as they are of so much big size that they carry goods and passenger coaches on the basis of which engine size is designed that is why all diesel engines are of 16 cylinders which vary from 100000cc to 180000cc.

This means that the size of the engine cylinder is from 100000 to 180000 cubic centimeter you all can also easily understand that the full human body size is equal to the size of the engine used in the Locomotive.Today in this post you must all have know in the end of the about the cc of the engine used in the locomotives of the indian railways.

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