HomeBLOGSHome Signal in Indian Railways: Ensuring Safe Train Movement

Home Signal in Indian Railways: Ensuring Safe Train Movement

A home signal plays a crucial role in railway safety. Positioned at strategic locations serves as a reception signal for trains entering a station section. Let’s delve into the basics:

  1. Location:
    • Single Line: Home signals are placed at least 300 meters behind the first facing point.
    • Double Line: They can be located around 180 meters from the facing points or the BSLB (Back Side Lock Bar).
  2. Function:
    • The home signal indicates whether a train can proceed or must stop.
    • Its aspect (physical appearance) conveys specific meanings to the train driver:
      • Red: Stop dead.
      • Yellow: Caution.
      • Green: Proceed.
  3. Safety First:
    • Home signals ensure safe train movement, preventing collisions and ensuring efficient operations.
    • Understanding their indications is vital for every railway professional.

Remember, the home signal is the first stop signal a method for guiding trains into stations safely.

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