HomeFACTSHow Mean Sea Level Helps Indian Railways Run Safely and Smoothly ?

How Mean Sea Level Helps Indian Railways Run Safely and Smoothly ?

Indian Railways is one of the largest and most complex railway networks in the world. It covers diverse terrains and altitudes, from the plains to the mountains. To ensure the safety and efficiency of trains and passengers, Indian Railways uses a standard reference point called the mean sea level (MSL).

The Mean Sea Level is the average height of the sea surface over a long period of time. It is written on yellow signboards at every railway station, along with the station name in different languages. The Mean Sea Level helps the train drivers and the guards to know how high or low they are from the sea level. This helps them to adjust the speed, power, and braking of the train accordingly.

The Mean Sea Level also helps in designing and constructing railway stations and tracks to avoid water logging and flooding. The Mean Sea Level is a vital indicator of the geographical and climatic conditions of the railway route.

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