HomeBLOGSHow Overhead Electric Wires Power Indian Trains

How Overhead Electric Wires Power Indian Trains

Indian Railways is one of the largest and busiest rail networks in the world, transporting over 8 billion passengers and 1.2 billion tons of freight annually. To run such a massive operation, it needs a reliable and efficient source of power for its trains. That is where the overhead electric wires, or OHE, come in.

OHE is a system of wires that are suspended above the railway tracks and connected to substations along the route. These wires carry high-voltage alternating current (AC) electricity, which is converted to direct current (DC) by devices called pantographs on top of the locomotives. The pantographs slide along the wires and draw the power to the motors that drive the wheels of the trains.

OHE has many advantages over other modes of power, such as diesel or steam. It is cheaper, cleaner, faster, and more reliable. It also reduces the dependence on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions. OHE has been in use in India since 1925, and today it covers about 60% of the total rail network. Indian Railways aims to electrify 100% of its tracks by 2024, making it one of the most eco-friendly and modern rail systems in the world.

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