HomeBLOGSTicket Collector does not take tickets from Sadhus ?

Ticket Collector does not take tickets from Sadhus ?

When the people travel in Indian Railways we always see Sadhus and Fakirs travelling who persistently travel within the trains without the ticket.In your mind there always arise an issue that why does the ticket toller within the train doesn’t ask for the ticket from them.

And just in case if the ticket isn’t given by the conventional person travelling within the train then the ticket toller issue penalty over it and also given a threat thereto person for putting him in jail.So today we’ll discuss on this subject by providing you an intresting information.

Ticket Toller doesn’t ask for the ticket from Sadhus and fakirs because in simple sense we all know that Sadhus and Fakirs only have one motive is to recite the name pf God Always.And if the Ticket Toller ask from them about the ticket then they reply that they dont have it and also if Ticket Toller ask for fine money then they will reply that he doesn’t have it.In such a case the Ticket Toller are going to be presenting the Sadhu to the police headquartersto place him in Jail.

Nothing will happen to the Fakir if he’s put into the Jail because they are doing not have any member of the family who is looking ahead to them and only have one motive that’s to recite the name of God which they’ll recite easily into the jail.That is why the Ticket Toller doesn’t ask for a ticket from them.

This is a general answer that we all realize them but in Indian Railways there are rules and regulations for travelling within the trains for Sadhus and Fakirs.All Sadhus and Fakirs don’t travel without the ticket often these people have a ticket for travelling fearlessly within the train.

And those Sadhus who travel within the train without a ticket are in yellow dress and are ninety percent always beggars.That is why we should always throw out this thought from out minds that Sadhus and Fakirs travel without ticket within the train.There are some imposter folks that dress sort of a Sadhu to travel free within the train by sitting without a sound ticket which let some people to surpass standing within the train while having a sound ticket.

This post provides us the reason that why does the ticket collector of the train in the indian railways for not collecting the tickets from Sadhus and in the recent times the sadhus also travel in the train by carrying the appropriate ticket to travel from one place to another that is at their destination station.

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