HomeFACTSWhat are Station section, Starter signal, Advance starter, Block section in station...

What are Station section, Starter signal, Advance starter, Block section in station of Indian Railways

Let’s explore the key terms related to railway signaling within a station:

  1. Station Section:
    • The portion between the UP (Upward) and DN (Downward) Advanced Starter signals within a station.
    • It defines the area where trains operate within the station limits.
  2. Starter Signal:
    • The first signal encountered by a train as it enters a station.
    • Governs the train’s movement until it reaches the Advanced Starter signal.
    • Indicates whether the line ahead is clear for departure.
  3. Advanced Starter Signal:
    • Located beyond the Starter signal.
    • Marks the limit up to which a normal train can stand at the station.
    • Allows shunting movements to go beyond the Starter when intermediate or advanced starters are provided.
  4. Block Section:
    • The portion of track between two consecutive signals (such as Starter and Advanced Starter).
    • Ensures safe separation between trains.
    • Defines the operational segments within a station.
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