HomeFACTSWhat will Happen if Thunderstorm Light fell on train?

What will Happen if Thunderstorm Light fell on train?

Thunderstorm Lighting is very dangerous in nature as it cause mass distruction were it falls on.So the question is that can thunderstorm Lighting fell on train or not if it can then what will be the damages that it will cause to the train running on the track.

Thunderstorm Lighting from the clouds contain 10 crore volts or 10000 ampheres of current and things who come in contact with this might be alive because it is one of the dangerous calamities of nature.And if this powerful Thunderstorm Lighting fell on train then what will happen to the people sitting inside the train.

But in the case of trains people should not worry about the Thunderstorm Lighting because after the thunderstorm lighting fell on train you will safe inside it.Now you will be curious to as why the people sitting inside it will have no effect of thunderstorm Lighting.

To Understand this people should know the principle of Thunderstorm Lighting formation as due to summers the Ocean water gets vapourized and the vapours of water are light in weight so they get above in the sky were they cools down and forms ice after this due to winds the ice gets positive and negative charge in it.

This process happens the same way as we all rub the comb on our heads and attract paper chips with it because of the positive and negative charge formed between them.Due to these positive and negative charge attraction thunderstorm lighting is formed between these charges there is a potential difference which creates electricity of 10 crore volts.

Electricity that is formed between clouds and finds a medium to flow to earth with the help of winds.When the electricity fells it comes in contact with the electricity poles,trees and gets back to earth beacuse it gets the earth contact by which it gets back to the ground.

Same is in the case of Railways when the Thunderstorm Lighting fell on the electricity gets on to the ground by the help of OHE poles and coach body,wheels are attached to the track which helps people sitting inside the coach remain safe from the current produced by the nature.The best example to this is Farrade’s Cage in which the electricity sparks on the cage but the person sitting inside the cage doesnt gets harmed.

The Information provided in the post helps to understand how the people are safe inside the coaches when the lightening fall on the train when they are travelling in the Indian railways

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