HomeBLOGSWheel Impact Load Detector (WILD): Safeguarding Indian Railways

Wheel Impact Load Detector (WILD): Safeguarding Indian Railways

The Wheel Impact Load Detector (WILD) is a critical technology deployed across Indian Railways to ensure safe operations and monitor the health of rolling stock. Let’s delve into its significance.

  • Wheel Impact Load Detector measures dynamic impact forces caused by wheels on the rail. It detects defects in rolling stock wheels, preventing rail fractures and component breakage. The Strain gauges placed on the rail web measure shear strain, which corresponds to wheel load.
  • Data acquisition systems relay this information to online servers. the Early detection system prevents catastrophic failures and also Detaching defective rolling stock reduces disruptions by minimizing unplanned maintenance and track damage.

Wheel Impact Load Detector is a silent guardian of Indian Railways safety. 

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